Vector search index
Vector search indexes were released as a public beta in Neo4j 5.11 and general availability in Neo4j 5.13.
This chapter describes how to use vector indexes to perform an approximate nearest neighbor search.
Vector indexes allow users to query vector embeddings from large datasets. An embedding is a numerical representation of a data object, such as text, image, audio, or document.
For example, each word or token in a text is typically represented as high-dimensional vector where each dimension represents a certain aspect of the word’s meaning. Words that are semantically similar or related are often represented by vectors that are closer to each other in this vector space. This allows for mathematical operations like addition and subtraction to carry semantic meaning. For example, the vector representation of "king" minus "man" plus "woman" might be close to the vector representation of "queen." In other words, vector embeddings can be said to be a numerical representation of a particular data object, capturing its semantic meaning.
The embedding for a particular data object can be generated by, for example, the Vertex AI or OpenAI embedding generators, which can produce vector embeddings with dimensions such as 768, 1024, and 1536.
These vector embeddings are stored as LIST<FLOAT>
properties on a node, where each dimensional component of the vector is an element in the LIST
A Neo4j vector index can be used to index nodes by LIST<FLOAT>
properties valid to the index.
In Neo4j, a vector index allows you to write queries that match a neighborhood of nodes based on the similarity between the properties of those nodes and the ones specified in the query.
Neo4j vector indexes are powered by the Apache Lucene indexing and search library. Lucene implements a Hierarchical Navigable Small World[1] (HNSW) Graph to perform a k approximate nearest neighbors (k-ANN) query over the vector fields.
Vector index commands and procedures
Vector indexes are managed through Cypher® commands and built-in procedures, see Operations Manual → Procedures for a complete reference.
The procedures and commands for vector indexes are listed in the following table:
Usage | Procedure/Command | Description |
Create vector index. |
Create a named vector index for the specified label and property with the given vector dimensionality using the given similarity function. |
Use vector index. |
Query the given vector index. Returns the requested number of approximate nearest neighbor nodes and their similarity score, ordered by score. |
Drop vector index. |
Drop the specified index. |
Listing all vector indexes. |
Lists all vector indexes, see the |
Set vector property. |
Beta Introduced in 5.13 Update a given node property with the given vector in a more space-efficient way than directly using |
Set vector property. |
Beta Deprecated It is replaced by |
Create and configure vector indexes
You can create vector indexes using the procedure db.index.vector.createNodeIndex
The name of the index must be unique so that you can reference it when querying or if you want to drop the index.
The index name must be unique among both indexes and constraints. |
A vector index is a single-label, single-property index for nodes.
In addition to the label and property key (both given as STRING
), a vector index needs to be configured with both the dimensionality of the vector (INTEGER
between 1
and 2048
inclusive), and the measure of similarity between two vectors (case-insensitive STRING
For details, see Supported similarity functions.
to create a vector node indexdb.index.vector.createNodeIndex(indexName :: STRING, label :: STRING, propertyKey :: STRING, vectorDimension :: INTEGER, vectorSimilarityFunction :: STRING)
The new index is not immediately available but is created in the background. |
All vectors within the index must have the same dimensionality. The measure of similarity is determined by the given vector similarity function. This defines how similar two vectors are to one another by a similarity score, how vectors are interpreted, and what vectors are valid for the index.
A node is indexed if all the following are true:
The node contains the configured label.
The node contains the configured property key.
The respective property value is of type
. -
of the respective value is the same as the configured dimensionality. -
The value is a valid vector for the configured similarity function.
Otherwise, a node is not indexed.
For instance, assume you have a graph of research papers, and each paper has an abstract. You want to find papers in the neighborhood of a paper you know.
Assume for each abstract, you have generated a 1536-dimensional vector embedding
of the abstract’s text
using Open AI’s default model, text-embedding-ada-002
This model suggests a cosine similarity.
For more information, see OpenAI’s official documentation.
You can create a cosine vector index over the embedding
CALL db.index.vector.createNodeIndex('abstract-embeddings', 'Abstract', 'embedding', 1536, 'cosine')
You can see that the vector index has been created using SHOW INDEXES
SHOW INDEXES YIELD name, type, labelsOrTypes, properties, options
name | type | labelsOrTypes | properties | options |
Rows: 1 |
Query a vector index
You can query a vector index using the procedure db.index.vector.queryNodes
to query a vector indexdb.index.vector.queryNodes(indexName :: STRING, numberOfNearestNeighbours :: INTEGER, query :: LIST<FLOAT>) :: (node :: NODE, score :: FLOAT)
) refers to the unique name of the vector index to query. -
) refers to the number of nearest neighbors to return as the neighborhood. -
vector (aLIST<FLOAT>
) in which to search for the neighborhood.
The procedure returns the neighborhood of nodes with their respective similarity scores, ordered by those scores.
The scores are bounded between 0
and 1
, where the closer to 1
the score is, the more similar the indexed vector is to the query vector.
This example takes the paper that describes the HNSW[1] graph structure that the vector index implements and tries to find similar papers.
First you MATCH
to find the paper, and then you query the abstract-embeddings
index for a neighborhood of 10
similar abstracts to your query.
Finally, you MATCH
for the neighborhood’s respective titles.
MATCH (title:Title)<--(:Paper)-->(abstract:Abstract)
WHERE toLower(title.text) = 'efficient and robust approximate nearest neighbor search using
hierarchical navigable small world graphs'
CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('abstract-embeddings', 10, abstract.embedding)
YIELD node AS similarAbstract, score
MATCH (similarAbstract)<--(:Paper)-->(similarTitle:Title)
RETURN similarTitle.text AS title, score
title | score |
Rows: 10 |
The results are expected, with papers discussing graph-based nearest-neighbor searches.
The most similar to this result is the query vector itself, which is to be expected as the index was queried with an indexed property.
If the query vector itself is not wanted, you can use WHERE score < 1
to remove equivalent vectors to the query vector.
Drop vector indexes
A vector index is dropped by using the same command as for other indexes, DROP INDEX
In the following example, you drop the abstract-embeddings
that you created previously:
DROP INDEX `abstract-embeddings`
Removed 1 index.
Set a vector property on a node
Valid vectors for use in the index must have components finitely representable in IEEE 754[2] single precision.
They are represented as properties on nodes with the type LIST<FLOAT>
As of Neo4j 5.13, you can set a vector property using the db.create.setNodeVectorProperty
It validates the input and sets the property as an array of IEEE 754[2] single precision values.
This beta procedure replaces db.create.setVectorProperty
db.create.setNodeVectorProperty(node :: NODE, key :: STRING, vector :: LIST<FLOAT>)
Deprecateddb.create.setVectorProperty(node :: NODE, key :: STRING, vector :: LIST<FLOAT>) :: (node :: NODE)
The following example shows how to define embeddings as Cypher parameters by matching a node and setting its vector properties using db.create.setNodeVectorProperty
MATCH (n:Node {id: $id})
CALL db.create.setNodeVectorProperty(n, 'propertyKey', $vector)
Furthermore, you can also use a list parameter containing several MATCH
criteria and embeddings to update multiple nodes in an UNWIND
This is ideal for creating and setting new vector properties in the graph.
You can also set a vector property on a node using the SET
command as in the following example:
MATCH (node:Node {id: $id})
SET node.propertyKey = $vector
However, Cypher stores the provided LIST<FLOAT>
as a primitive array of IEEE 754[2] double precision values.
This takes up almost twice as much space compared to the alternative method, where you use the db.create.setNodeVectorProperty
As a result, using SET
for a vector index is not recommended.
To reduce the storage space, you can reset the existing properties using db.create.setNodeVectorProperty
However, this comes with the cost of an increase in the transaction log size until they are rotated away.
Supported similarity functions
The choice of similarity function affects which indexed vectors are considered similar, and which are valid. The semantic meaning of the vector may itself dictate which similarity function to choose. Refer to the documentation for the particular vector embedding model you are using, as it may suggest a preference for certain similarity functions. Otherwise, being able to differentiate between the various similarity functions can assist in making a more informed decision.
Name | Case insensitive argument | Key similarity feature |
distance |
angle |
For -normalized vectors (unit vectors), thus having unit length
, Euclidean and cosine similarity functions produce the same similarity ordering.
Euclidean similarity
Euclidean similarity is useful when the distance between the vectors is what determines how similar two vectors are.
A valid vector for a Euclidean vector index is when all vector components can be represented finitely in IEEE 754[2] single precision.
Euclidean interprets the vectors in Cartesian coordinates. The measure is related to the Euclidean distance, i.e., how far two points are from one another. However, that distance is unbounded and less useful as a similarity score. Euclidean similarity bounds the square of the Euclidean distance.
Cosine similarity
Cosine similarity is used when the angle between the vectors is what determines how similar two vectors are.
A valid vector for a cosine vector index is when:
Cosine similarity interprets the vectors in Cartesian coordinates. The measure is related to the angle between the two vectors. However, an angle can be described in many units, sign conventions, and periods. The trigonometric cosine of this angle is both agnostic to the aforementioned angle conventions and bounded. Cosine similarity rebounds the trigonometric cosine.
In the above equation the trigonometric cosine is given by the scalar product of the two unit vectors.
Limitations and idiosyncrasies
The query is an approximate nearest neighbor search. The requested k nearest neighbors may not be the exact k nearest, but close within the same wider neighborhood, such as finding a local extremum vs the true extremum.
For large requested nearest neighbors, k, close to the total number of indexed vectors, the search may retrieve fewer than k results.
The index must have a unique name. There is no provided method for an autogenerated name.
Only one vector index can be over a schema. For example, you cannot have one Euclidean and one cosine vector index on the same label-property key pair.
Only node vector indexes are supported.
No provided settings or options for tuning the index.
Changes made within the same transaction are not visible to the index.
There is no Cypher syntax for creating a vector index, nor for the standard index type filtering with
Known issues
As of Neo4j 5.13, the vector search index is no longer a beta feature. The following table lists the known issues and the version in which they were fixed:
Known issues | Fixed in | ||
Querying for a single approximate nearest neighbor from an index would fail a validation check. Passing a |
Neo4j 5.13 |
Vector index queries throw an exception if the transaction state contains changes. This means that writes may only take place after the last vector index query in a transaction.
Neo4j 5.13 |
Neo4j 5.12 |
Passing |
Neo4j 5.12 |
The creation of the vector index skipped the check to limit the dimensionality to
Neo4j 5.12 |
The validation for cosine similarity verifies that the vector’s |
Neo4j 5.12 |
Neo4j 5.12 |
The vector index |
Neo4j 5.12 |
Copying a database store with a vector index does not log the recreation command, and instead logs an error: ERROR: [StoreCopy] Unable to format statement for index 'index-name' Due to an: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Did not recognize index type VECTOR
Neo4j 5.12 |
Some of the protections preventing the use of new features during a database rolling upgrade are missing. This can result in a transaction to create a vector index on a cluster member running Neo4j 5.11 and distributing it to other cluster members running an older Neo4j version. The older Neo4j versions will fail to understand the transaction.
Neo4j 5.12 |
Vector indexes can take advantage of the incubated Java 20 Vector API for noticeable speed improvements. If you are using a compatible version of Java, you can add the following setting to your configuration settings:
server.jvm.additional=--add-modules jdk.incubator.vector
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