docker scout quickview

Quick overview of an image


docker scout quickview [IMAGE|DIRECTORY|ARCHIVE]


The docker scout quickview command displays a quick overview of an image. It displays a summary of the vulnerabilities in the specified image and vulnerabilities from the base image. If available, it also displays base image refresh and update recommendations.

If no image is specified, the most recently built image is used.

The following artifact types are supported:

  • Images
  • OCI layout directories
  • Tarball archives, as created by docker save
  • Local directory or file

By default, the tool expects an image reference, such as:

  • redis
  • curlimages/curl:7.87.0

If the artifact you want to analyze is an OCI directory, a tarball archive, a local file or directory, or if you want to control from where the image will be resolved, you must prefix the reference with one of the following:

  • image:// (default) use a local image, or fall back to a registry lookup
  • local:// use an image from the local image store (don't do a registry lookup)
  • registry:// use an image from a registry (don't use a local image)
  • oci-dir:// use an OCI layout directory
  • archive:// use a tarball archive, as created by docker save
  • fs:// use a local directory or file


Option Short Default Description
--env Name of the environment
--latest Latest indexed image
--org Namespace of the Docker organization
--output -o Write the report to a file.
--platform Platform of image to analyze
--ref Reference to use if the provided tarball contains multiple references.
Can only be used with archive.
--stream Deprecated Name of stream


Quick overview of an image

$ docker scout quickview golang:1.19.4
    ✓ Pulled
    ✓ SBOM of image already cached, 278 packages indexed

  Your image  golang:1.19.4                          │    5C     3H     6M    63L
  Base image  buildpack-deps:bullseye-scm            │    5C     1H     3M    48L     6?
  Refreshed base image  buildpack-deps:bullseye-scm  │    0C     0H     0M    42L
                                                     │    -5     -1     -3     -6     -6
  Updated base image  buildpack-deps:sid-scm         │    0C     0H     1M    29L
                                                     │    -5     -1     -2    -19     -6

Quick overview of the most recently built image

$ docker scout qv